Sainte Marie Madeleine and La Sainte-Baume

For those of you who cannot travel to Provence and climb up to La Sainte-Baume, the “Grotte de Sainte Marie Madeleine” (the Cave of Saint Mary Magdalene), and even higher to Chapel St. Pilon—where tradition says Mary Magdalene was raised up by angels seven times a day, you may want to view the hour+ video below that was produced in August of 2013, a few weeks after our first Novena Tour ended.

There is amazing footage in this video to give you a real feel of how high the Cave is in the mountain and how large it is inside. Unfortunately for some, it is in French and you may not understand exactly what is being said, but I am sure you will enjoy the visual….



2 Responses to “Sainte Marie Madeleine and La Sainte-Baume”

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  1. mags says:

    Thank you for being so very generous xxx

    Prayer for Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day;

    Dearest Spiritual Sister, thank you for the dearest friendship, and I pray for the intercession of True Love between Beloveds to be upheld forever sacred, and for the new Way of Love Charism in Christ, to be received into the Catholic Parish.

    God Bless your faithfulness and so in me, your beloved Sister in Christ x Amber A.K.A mags xxxxx <3 †

  2. Margaret says:

    I had no idea at all that St. Mary Magdalene’s relics excist, until I watched a programme about it last night. It’s really good. I think she was a good friend of Jesus Christ and no more than a friend. I watched your video it’s lovely and I would very much Iike to visit. Gorgeous place.

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